All-On-4 Permanent Dental Implants

all on 4 implants to replace multiple missing teethAll On 4 Implants are a great option to provide the benefits of implants to more people. Unlike traditional single tooth implants, the All-On-4 Dental Implants provide a whole mouth solution. With these implants, a patient will have only 4 implanted anchors that are used to support a full arch denture.

Why Should You Consider This Type Of Implant Solution?

If you have significant damage to your teeth or are missing teeth, the best solution may be to remove teeth to address the problem. What happens to you after this treatment. You can be left with some choices like: live with missing teeth, get implants for each tooth, replace your teeth with dentures, or have All On 4 Implants installed.

Leaving gaps in your teeth is not only not a good cosmetic option, it puts more stress on your mouth. Individual implants are a great solution, but are very expensive if you need to address a lot of teeth. These implants also have a long recovery time before you can install the crown. Dentures a cost effective solution compared to implants, but they limit the foods you can eat, require a lot of maintenance, and can cause discomfort on your gums.

This is where All-On-4 comes in. These address the removal of your teeth with a permanent solution that combines the benefits of implants with the more cost effective option of dentures. Additional benefits include:

  • Natural looking teeth.
  • Secure non-slipping fit.
  • Elimination of discomfort that dentures or bridges may cause.
  • Less likely to require bone grafting.
  • Can have dental arch same day as implant procedure.

What Is The Process?

To determine if you are a candidate for All On 4 Dental Implants, you need to start with an examination. At Shorewood Family Dental Care, we will provide a comprehensive examination to ensure that you meet the requirements. The requirements include good oral health that is free of gum disease, in good health, and be a non-smoker. We will also need to review your medications to make sure you are not on any that would disqualify you.

Once you are approved to move forward, we will set up the treatment plan with you. This will include: X-rays and planning for where the implants will be placed, then the surgery that will include use of anesthesia or sedation and 4 titanium posts. Once the implants have been implanted, we will put in place a temporary set of dentures. These will remain in place for the next 3 to 6 months as your mouth heals from the operation. After this time, you will return for the final permanent bridge to replace the temporary dentures.

Once it is all done, you will have a healthy natural looking set of teeth. All that is left is for you to show off your new smile.

We understand that this procedure is considered cosmetic, and therefore it is not covered by insurance. We will work with you on flexible payment options so you can enjoy your new teeth.

At Shorewood Family Dental Care, we provide All On 4 Implants to replace broken or missing teeth on the upper and lower arches, giving you the smile of your dreams.

Visit our website to find out more about our dental implant services!

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