Signs That You May Be A Candidate For Porcelain Veneers

August 25, 2023by Robert S. Funk, DDS

examples of a good porcelain veneers candidatePorcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment that can transform your smile and give you the confidence you’ve always wanted. They are thin shells made of porcelain that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth, hiding imperfections, and creating a beautiful, natural-looking smile. However, not everyone is a porcelain veneers candidate. Here are a few factors to consider to determine if you qualify for this treatment:

Good Oral Health

Before getting porcelain veneers, it is essential to have good oral health. Your teeth and gums should be free from any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or infections. If you have any existing dental issues, you will need to address and treat them before considering veneers. Without addressing these first, your dentist could hide the problems until they led to emergencies as the progressed behind the veneers.

Sufficient Tooth Enamel

To ensure the veneers can be properly bonded to your teeth, you need to have sufficient tooth enamel. The dentist will need to remove a small amount of enamel to make room for the veneers. If your teeth are already worn down or if you have enamel erosion, veneers may not be a suitable option for you. Your dentist will need to perform a comprehensive examination to ensure your teeth are able to handle veneers. If not, your dentist will need to explore other options with you.

Alignment and Bite Issues

Are veneers worth it? If you have severe misalignment or bite issues, such as overbite, underbite, or crossbite, porcelain veneers may not be the right solution. In such cases, orthodontic treatment, such as braces or clear aligners, may be necessary to correct these issues first. Some of these treatments may not be possible after veneers, which is why you may need to see additional specialists before proceeding with veneers.

Stained or Discolored Teeth

Porcelain veneers are an excellent option for covering up stains or discoloration that are not effectively treatable with teeth whitening procedures. If you have deep, intrinsic stains caused by medications, genetics, or dental trauma, veneers can provide a long-lasting solution. Your dentist can color match your teeth or provide a clean properly white appearance for your mouth, depending on how many teeth you are having veneers cover.

Desire for Aesthetic Improvement

Ultimately, the decision to get porcelain veneers depends on your personal goals and desires for aesthetic improvement. Are you unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and looking for an effective solution? If yes, then porcelain veneers can give you the smile of your dreams. Veneers can help you address imperfections that other treatments may not be able to address.

Shorewood Family Dental Care: Where Your Perfect Smile Begins

To determine if you qualify as a porcelain veneers candidate, it is crucial to schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist. At Shorewood Family Dental Care we have an experienced staff that can help you understand what veneers are and if you are a good candidate. For us to best understand your needs, we will:

  • Examine your teeth.
  • Discuss your goals.
  • And recommend the most suitable treatment options for you.

Remember, everyone’s situation is unique, and we are here to provide you with personalized advice tailored to your needs.

Veneers are not a substitute for good oral health practices but can assist you achieve your best smile. If you are considering veneers, contact us today to discuss the pros and cons of veneers further. By seeking professional advice, you can make an informed decision and take the necessary steps towards achieving the smile you’ve always wanted.

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