6 Signs You Need Dental Implants

Have you recently been concerned about missing or broken teeth? Believe it or not, you don’t have to feel helpless! Many people can empathize with you because either they themselves, or a loved one, are dealing with a similar issue. We also have solutions for you! Yes, you heard that correctly. Some people walk around embarrassed to receive the proper care and maintenance for these types of concerns because they might feel insecure. Or, perhaps, it’s simply a financial burden. Whatever the reason, dental implant trends are continuing to refine the way we fix teeth! So, what are dental implants exactly?

Cheap Dental Implants ConsThe Implant Process

Maybe you currently have an empty space where you lost a tooth because you were out having too much fun with family and friends. Wink, wink! If not, imagine this empty space. Now, envision a professional cleaning out your mouth and replacing that space with a fake tooth root. This little tooth root fits perfectly into your jaw bone and is made of biocompatible materials like titanium or ceramic. Your jawbone will happily accept this new material because it works well with living tissue as it is non-toxic. Eventually, you can attach a prosthetic tooth to your implants. Voila! Your mouth is picture perfect! Plus, dental implants can be used for missing teeth, broken teeth, and are well known for restoring individual, multiple, or a full set of teeth. Either way, our dental implants Shorewood dentists have got you covered!

Benefits of Dental Implants

The current progressive techniques are shaping dental implant innovations positively. Today, these implants are known for their strength, attractiveness, longevity, and durability for flawless tooth restoration! Thanks to implants, they will help uplift your smile and preserve a natural face shape. Hallelujah! You’ll be able to chew again and your other teeth will be aligned. When referencing comfortability, they are known to be much more soothing than dentures. Do you feel better yet? Remember, it is imperative to tackle these issues early on because implants can not be administered if you actively have gum disease or infection. This article intends to clarify when you just might need some implants. Be proactive!

Sign 1: Missing Teeth

Remember, there are many dangers of missing teeth, including detrimental effects on your oral health if not taken care of promptly. Missing teeth can also affect the way your face appears externally. It could cause an older look and sunken presentation, just what most of us are aiming to prevent. Aside from deformities in your appearance and jawbone, let’s get back to oral health briefly. Waiting too long to rectify missing or broken tooth concerns can yield gum disease, tooth decay, bite, and speech problems. Do your research and book those appointments! What are you waiting for? We all know your mouth can not afford to wait! Dental implants for missing teeth is the answer!

Sign 2: Difficulty Chewing or Eating

Some dental implant benefits include appearance, function, and comfort. Right now, we are going to focus on function. Let’s admit the obvious, we all love food and it isn’t very pleasant when your chewing ability becomes compromised. Instead, the thought of food becomes associated with pain and discomfort of eating without teeth. Fortunately, dental implants are just like natural teeth. They will assist with your ability to chew and speak. Before you know it, you will sound eloquent, yet again! Your other teeth will be praising the implants as they are also known for keeping them aligned and straight. What more could you ask for?

Sign 3: Chronic Dental Issues

At some point, we have already mentioned some chronic dental issues like infections, decay, and gum disease. These can all formulate upon improper oral hygiene. Believe it or not, poor oral hygiene can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, as well as respiratory infections. You could easily avoid these illnesses by having regular check-ups and a daily regimen for oral care. Furthermore, if you are experiencing rapid tooth decay, it can lead to unbearable pain and eventually tooth loss. Not fun! Also, gum disease is really just plaque that has not been removed properly and continuously irritates the gums causing gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to a more severe gum disease named periodontitis. But don’t you worry, implants just might be the solution you need!

Most people don’t realize that implants can last an entire lifetime with proper maintenance. Do you recall that the implants are biocompatible? They will easily fuse with your jawbone overtime offering the utmost stability to your precious mouth. Your jawbone will be less susceptible to incurring bone loss as implants are known to stimulate it. If you haven’t been reassured enough, your face will also maintain its natural beauty and attractiveness. Your smile will be unforgettable as your prosthetic teeth will blend in with it perfectly!

Sign 4: Loose Dentures or Bridges

If you have, or know somebody who has, dentures and/or bridges, you might have been exposed to some unfavorable circumstances. Maybe eating with dentures or some other circumstances led to uncomfortable movement, irritation, slipping, and last but not least, pain. This doesn’t sound ideal for anyone. Now, if loose dentures/bridges were a primary issue, subsequently, you might have dealt with sores and blisters. Sores and blisters can lead to the untimely, chewing discomfort; especially when out celebrating life at a restaurant. But fear no more, dental implants are a stable alternative. Not only can they last a lifetime with proper maintenance, they naturally fuse with your jawbone overtime so these other types of concerns fall by the wayside. Implants are a lifetime solution for appearance, function, and comfort.

Sign 5: Jawbone Deterioration

How do missing teeth actually lead to the problematic jawbone loss overtime?

  • If something isn’t activated or stimulated, it becomes stagnant, and most likely deteriorates.
  • By not reading, your mind isn’t challenged.
  • If you don’t exercise, your body becomes weak.

Similarly, if your jawbone no longer receives activation by biting or chewing, the bone will disintegrate. Talk about a nightmare! And yes, a great deal of bone mass can disappear within just a year. The body mistakenly believes that this part of the jawbone is irrelevant and reabsorbs its minerals, passing them around to other necessary body parts. You should also be informed that dentures and bridges do not provide the jawbone with stimulation the way that dental implants do. The solution is obvious; IMPLANTS!

Sign 6: Facial Structure Changes

We briefly mentioned earlier, that missing teeth and jawbone loss can truly affect your appearance. It’s not a joke. The, overall, sunken facial presentation should be taken seriously. Dental implants not only enhance your charming smile, but they maintain your youthful facial shape and keep those other teeth in place! Knowing that implants are a lifetime solution, you won’t have to worry about that sunken look. You’ll be bright eyed and bushy tailed for life! The implants will help you maintain your magnetic facial structure by preserving your youthful facial contours!

Embrace Your New Smile

We hope this article has opened your mind to the benefits of dental implants. From chewing difficulty, to broken/missing teeth, implants will provide you with relief. Its long term stability and well known comfortability should put you at ease. Say goodbye to jawbone deterioration, chronic dental issues, unfavorable facial changes, and loose dentures or bridges. We strive to offer our patients clarity, comfort, peace, and confidence on this decision making journey. Please reach out to Shorewood Family Dental Care: 815-725-5991. We’re here to help you with your dental needs—just give us a call!

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